Everyone wants to know how we have ended up in
Arkansas. And, that's a fairly good question! The thing is though, like I've said before, it's mostly happened because God wanted it to.
Jared got a job in Macon, Ga fresh out of college about 3 1/2 years ago. We got married on January 1, moved to Macon a week later and Jared started his job as a worship pastor at a church running 500-800 on a Sunday. Jared was probably one of the least qualified people for this job, but somehow he got it (God probably didn't have anything to do with that). He was immediately thrown into a job that was a bit over his head, but he sure did meet the challenge, oftentimes exceeding it.

We moved to Macon with no friends except those we had met through the church. We were slow in the friend-making process. We were slow in the fitting-in process. It just took time, but it was good time. It was growing time. Growing time as a couple, but also growing time as individuals. I watched Jared grow immensely in that first year we were married. He fell even more in love with the Lord and with people. God did in Jared and myself what only He could do. He knew we needed those first couple years for Him to wrestle some things from us, to teach us, and to reveal himself to us.

Fast forward to about a year ago. I'm not sure when or how it happened but we began to find our groove here in Macon. We had friends come and go, but now we had found a few good friends who were sticking around. We began to see fruit in our ministries. We began to feel as though we were doing what God had really called us to do. Throughout all this, we've always had a heart for church planting. It's just something we have always kind of felt we would be a part of in one way or another. We weren't sure what it would look like or when it would be.
Fast forward again to around Christmas time this past year (2013). Some of our best friends here in Macon are from Arkansas, Scott & Amilee. Amilee's brother is a pastor at a small church plant in Northwest Arkansas. Scott was going to be preaching at that church the Sunday after Christmas and invited Jared to come play too. You know, just come on over to Arkansas and play on Sunday morning. No Big Deal. We decided to do it for some unknown reason-we were feeling adventurous I guess.
We went and planned a small trip to Branson, MO for our anniversary while we were up there. While we are there, we find out they need a worship pastor, but they are unable to ask someone to come on staff. They don't have the money for a worship pastor but they needed one. Just 2 weeks before Jared and I visited, they had begun praying and asking God to provide someone-they were thinking along the lines of some college kid, not an experienced worship pastor from a fairly large church with a steady salary.
(Cooper Elementary School where Northwest meets on Sunday mornings)
Well, we show up and feel God tugging at us to dig deeper into this. We talk to Will & Sarah, the pastor and his wife, for a long time. We walk away with a lot to pray about. We make our 9 hour drive back to Birmingham, then 3 hours back to Macon and spend the next 2-3 weeks just praying. Individually and together. Just praying. Jared and I have a little different stories during this time, but I'll tell mine.
One morning, I was praying. Just pouring my heart out to God. I told him how scared I was, and how I just didn't know what to do. I had friends in Macon, and a job, and He was doing good things in my life, but was I supposed to let it all go? If I was, I would. If he wanted me to walk away from it all, I would. I just needed to know. I needed an answer. I told God I was tired. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't not know what to do anymore. I said, "God, please just give me wisdom. You say in your word that you give wisdom to those who ask without doubting. I know you will speak to me. Speak to me, Lord." And in that moment, I had peace. I knew we had to go. God had given me an answer. From that moment on, I saw His answer everywhere-in scripture, in songs, in things people would say. Then Jared reads about Abraham in his daily bible reading that SAME DAY. He texts me at work to tell me. We had our answer.
God had called us to Arkansas.
The next month, our pastor began a sermon series through Abraham. God is funny.
(Baptism at Northwest)
That is our story. It's just the beginning. Once we knew our call and we answered it, the waves began to crash. Satan began his work. We would doubt, then we would remind ourselves of God's call. We would get scared, then we would remind ourselves of God's call. We put our stake in the ground-God had called us.
Now, here we are. about a month away from leaving everything we've known for our entire married life (you know, the WHOLE 3 1/2 years). We are headed to Northwest Arkansas to be part of
Northwest Community Church. We will go without an immediate promise of a salary. I have a job lined up as of right now. Jared is still looking through a few possibilities, but we are trusting God. We are praying boldly. I know that God will provide. I don't know how, but I fully trust that God will give us what we need. He has called us, and he will deliver.
(Sunday morning worship gathering at Northwest)
More than anything else, we need the support of our friends and family. We need you to pray for us. We need you to pray boldly. We need you to lift us up and remind us of God's promises. We need you to walk with us as we begin this little adventure. Because, the road ahead will be difficult, but it will be beautiful because God uses little people to do big things. I believe he will do big things in all of this.