
About Me

Hi! I'm Adrienne. I'll be the one writing here. I'm going to let you in on a bit of a secret-I don't have it all together.

There.   I said it.

I don't know all the answers, and I don't even know all the questions!
BUT I want to share what I do know and what I am learning.

in life. in jesus. in marriage. in relationships. in work.

AND I want you to share too.

I've been married to my best friend since New Years Day 2011. The best way to start a year every year!
I have an awesome dog named Gavin. You'll be seeing him a lot because I love him a lot. He's real cute-you'll think so too. I know it.
I like to run and exercise. I'm not hardcore or anything but it is important to me.
I like to eat healthy food. I don't a lot. But I do most of the time. It makes me feel better so it's worth it.
I love Jesus. He's really important to me. Like more important than anything else. If you ever wonder why I do or say something, it's usually because of Him. I want other people to know him like I do, but I want them to know that I love them whether they want Jesus or not because that's what Jesus did.

That's me in a nutshell.

I look forward to knowing you and learning from you!

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