
Monday, February 16, 2015

An Anchor for my Soul

So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:18-19

Today was Northwest Community Church's 5th birthday. It was such a beautiful morning of celebration of what God has done in and through Northwest, but also a celebration of who God is. We talked about WHY we, as christian's, can celebrate. 

The music and Will's talk all pointed back to how Christian celebration flows directly from the fact that we have an anchor in this life. We have an anchor that does not shift or come loose. When everything else is shifting or settling, our anchor does not change. He holds. There is no storm too big or wind too strong for our anchor. Our anchor cannot be dug up or made to shift with the current. Our anchor in this life is Jesus. We can stand and celebrate in good times and in bad times because we have a foundation that is sure. 

This idea of God as our anchor settled so deep in me today. This past year has been crazy. We left behind stable jobs, steady income, friends, familiarity, family, routine, "easy." We left those things behind because we have an anchor. We have a God who stays no matter what is going on around us. He stays even when we leave him. He stays when we are scared. He stays when things are good. He stays when friends are made. He stays when relationships begin to blossom. He stays when we get to be a part of life change. He stays when we are tired. He stays. 

I praise my God that he is an awesome, big God who created the world, but I also praise my God for being a God who sees me where I am and who I can truly say is an anchor for my soul. 

This Grace-Passion

This anchor for my soul, - This everlasting hope, - Your grace on which I stand.
And it's where my life begins, - My future held within, - Your grace on which I stand.
Oh, this grace on which I stand, - It will hold me till the end, - Never failing.
And Oh, praise the One who rescued me, - Jesus you will ever be, - My salvation.
And when I'm on the road, - The road that leads me home, - Your grace on which I stand.
And when I see your face, - The only claim I'll make, - Your grace on which I stand.

Worthy is the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the World
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
To receive all honour and praise

We sang this song this morning and it is simply a prayer of thanksgiving and praise and confidnece in our anchor. 


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